Monday, 28 July 2014


"He who finds a wife, finds a good thing... and obtains favour with the Lord."

Many of us know that scripture backwards and have probably heard hundreds of different sermons around it.  This weekend, I had one of my own revelations, and I thought I'd share it in the hope that it helps somebody out there.

During a conversation a few months before I got married, a friend who was preparing for marriage too, shared with me that he had heard it said that "FINDING A WIFE DOESN'T END" one you get married.  It is an on-going process as you need to "Find the wife inside your partner" everyday.

I realised then that it would be my responsibility as a husband to do my best to constantly be mining the hidden treasure inside my wife and bringing it to the surface. This was never going to be easy, and I immediately enlisted the help of the Holy Spirit to teach me how to do that.  I'm learning all the time how to do it more and more.

This weekend I had a light bulb moment as my wife stood on a platform in front of a couple of hundred women at a ladies conference to share her testimony. (#Beautiful2014)
It was another first for her, but as usual, she rose to the occasion and soared.  Jesus was glorified, lives were impacted and once again we were reminded that God always has a perfect plan.

This opportunity was the fulfilment of a vision Arlene had before we were even engaged.  She had seen in her mind, a picture of herself on a stage with a microphone in her hand and wasn't sure what it meant.  When she had the experience, she immediately enrolled for singing lessons because she thought that she would sing one day.  I however, told her at the time that she shouldn't be surprised if the vision wasn't referring to singing but rather speaking. She laughed it off and didn't really believe that it could possible be true.

Here's the lesson:

So as everyone celebrated her and received her talk so openly. A still, small voice inside me said "well done husband". 
And then a question popped up in my mind.  "How would I react in this moment if I hadn't believed that she was capable of this?"
From the question, I moved to an emotion best described as "Shew... thank God I saw it first".  I was extremely grateful. I had seen the potential in her before so many others.  I had spoken it over her and affirmed her before she even dreamed it possible. 
Actually, GOD SAW IT FIRST... but because my prayer is always that He would lead her through me, He allowed me to see what He saw, and allowed me to verbalise it.  Now that is absolutely amazing.  He allowed me to speak it over her and see it come to past.  I have now become so much more mindful of the words I speak over my wife.

As a husband,  I would have had to hang my head in shame if I didn't believe in her before it all happened.  Nothing is more rewarding than being able to say "I told you so - because God said so."

Arlene really didn't need my approval to do what God has called her to do, but I thank God for allowing me to see His plan for her.  It was absolutely amazing to see her step into an anointing which was ordained specifically for her. 

So as a husband, I am more determined now to keep finding the wife within her.  Every time another milestone is reached, a new treasure is discovered.  I know there is still so much more undiscovered treasure, untapped potential.  Help me Lord to be your miner.  Help me to find the wife inside her all the time.

Be encouraged,