Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The Dangers of "SAFETY BOOTS"

While getting ready for work today I came across these boots in my cupboard.

Theses are "Safety Boots". I wear them when we conduct Teambuilding with some of our corporate clients. I'm not wearing them today (hahahaha), but they reminded me of  something completely unrelated that taught me a very good lesson once, so I thought I'd share.

In the early days of DAZZ CONSULTING, I used to facilitate training at a local lift manufacturing company - OTIS. I would spend approximately 3 months at a time facilitating a part of a learnership for lift mechanics. I enjoyed every moment working with those young people who were so determined to be successful and they related to me so well because I was much younger than any of their other trainers. We often ended up speaking about life principles and how to achieve our dreams.

Most of the young people in my class would take a train or taxi to get to work everyday, and most of them would walk a few kilometres from the train or taxi to work and the again after work. I'd often see them running to or from work to either try and be on time for class or to try and make it to get the train in time afterwards and I would always offer a ride if I happened to drive past them.

Then one day I offered a ride to "Amos"- (not his real name)  as he was running down the road. He instinctively walked towards the car but then hesitated and declined my offer. His reason for not wanting a ride was because he was wearing safety boots and they smelt really bad so he didn't want the smell of his stinky boots to linger in my car afterwards. I insisted that he get in the car anyway and I gave him a ride to the train station.

He was right, those safety boots were really dangerous. They smelt like death, and the smell lingered after he had exited the car, but I didn't mind. It was much more important to me that I was in a position to help him, even if only in some small way.

I spent the rest of the drive home thinking about what had just happened. I was so saddened by the realisation that someone would rather struggle through a situation (walk to the train station) instead of accepting help (a ride) simply because he felt embarrassed by something he felt would cause me to think less of him. He would risk missing his train, or getting home much later just so that I didn't think "he stank".

How many of us do that on a daily basis?
We shut people out because of something in our lives that we're dealing with or may have gone through. We feel as if we will be judged and as if our worth is determined by things like appearance, our past, our current status or whatever it might be that we feel "stinks". It might be that dark secret we don't want anyone to know, or a part of our past that nobody knows, or sometimes just a stinking attitude which we might be working on but haven't quite got there yet.

Some of those things aren't even our fault and yet we still focus on concealing it. Some safety boots just smell after a while because of the material they're made of. And some people (trying to reach out to us) understand that "safety boots smell", or that a mechanic might smell of sweat after a whole day's labour. That doesn't mean that they're any less of a person.

Don't allow the STINKY SAFETY BOOTS in your life to prevent you from having THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE today. The vehicle you might be afraid of entering, may just be the one going directly in the direction of your destiny.
Will you "keep walking" or "get on board" and enjoy the ride?

Be Encouraged,

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing Dazz. Keep inspiring
