Wednesday, 2 October 2013

A picture says a thousand words

Just when I start feeling the pressure of having to keep up the momentum, I have to get my mind quiet and just open my eyes and then something pops out at me and inspires the next post.

Today it was this item:

Arlene and I each have one of these frames on the pedestals next to our bed. We received it as a wedding gift from a dear friend. We instantly loved it, and my suggestion was that each of us put our favourite picture of the other in the frame. Although Arlene is the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see before I sleep, I still thought it would be nice to have a picture next to the bed.

As you may have guessed, (or can tell from the pictures above), we're heading for 6 months of marriage already, and these frames are still empty.

Here's the lesson...

"When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable" - Myles Munroe

 This frame is simply not living out it's real purpose. It is serving some purpose but not really achieving the main thing it was created for. It has been occupying a space for nearly six months and it has done a good job of not making the space look empty, but it's main purpose is to hold a picture - which needs to be inserted by us.
As you can see from the current picture insert, it is only designed to hold a fairly small picture, but when the right picture of my wife is inserted into that frame, the frame itself will even take on a new identity and will be so much more valuable (and sentimental) to me.

Isn't life so similar?
Don't some of us settle for just "occupying a space" when we should be doing so much more. We may have the capacity to create a completely different world around us but choose to be content with just occupying the space and "hosting the sample picture".

We may not be a big frame that was created to hang in the entrance of a skyscraper, but our creator saw a need for us to be here and specially designed us and took the time to make us beautiful enough to be "chosen" and presented as a gift to this world. We need to tap into that purpose and decide to live it out.

The difference between us and this frame, is simply this... WE HAVE A WILL. We have the power to choose to live our purpose. We don't have to depend on anyone else to insert the picture before we achieve what we've been created for. We simply need to decide to stop settling for just the sample when we can present a beautiful picture.

And sometimes our "owner" is waiting to insert the new special picture that will beautify our world, but He is waiting for us to speak up and say "I'm ready. I'm tired of simply occupying space, I'm ready for the bigger picture. Thank you for choosing me. Now, use me as You will."

Decide today not to be content any longer. Go after the dreams God has placed in your heart. Pursue your destiny. Make a difference. Make that impact in your world.

Someone's world needs the beauty that only you can bring.

Be encouraged,

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